Condo unit owners can’t withhold payment

The owner of a condo unit may not withhold monthly assessments and other expenses in response to an alleged failure by her condominium association to maintain common elements and make repairs, a divided Illinois Supreme Court ruled recently.

In a four to three decision (PDF), the majority of the justices rejected a theory that condo unit owners should have the same rights as tenants in a leasehold agreement. The issue arose when a Lake County resident/owner of the Spanish Court Two Condominium Association, who had failed to pay her fees for six months, tried to defend herself against the association's attempt to take possession of her unit. She argued that a leaky roof just above her unit had caused extensive water damage, her faulty toilet was not repaired, and that general upkeep of the common areas of the building was not maintained, and thus she was entitled to withhold payment.

The majority of the justices in the 4-3 ruling said a landlord/tenant scenario is contractual and distinguishable from a community living situation. Condo boards and associations could face serious financial difficulties if they had no recourse to collect unpaid assessments, the court observed. Find out more in the June Illinois Bar Journal.

Posted on May 28, 2014 by Mark S. Mathewson
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