Ethics Question of the Week: Think someone in firm is filing frivolous suit? Remember Abe

Q.  I have reason to believe that another lawyer in my firm is filing a frivolous lawsuit. Do I have an obligation to do anything?

A. Rule 5.1(a) states that “a partner in a law firm, and a lawyer who individually or together with other lawyers possesses comparable managerial authority in a law firm, shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the firm has in effect measures giving reasonable assurance that all lawyers in the firm conform to the Rule of Professional Conduct.” It might also be important to remember the words of Abraham Lincoln when his law partner filed a plea that was not factually accurate: “Hadn’t we better withdraw that plea? You know it’s a sham, and a sham is very often but another name for a lie. Don’t let it go on record. The cursed thing may come staring us in the face long after the suit has been forgotten.”

ISBA members can browse past ISBA Ethics Opinions, access our Ethics Hotline, and other resources on the ISBA Ethics Page.

[Disclaimer.  These questions are representative of calls received on the ISBA’s ethics hotline.  The information provided below is meant as an educational tool to highlight potentially applicable Illinois RPC or other ethics resources that might help the lawyer answer the question posed. The information provided isn’t legal advice.  Because every situation is different, often complex, and the law is constantly evolving, you shouldn’t rely upon this general information without conducting your own research.]

Posted on February 12, 2015 by Chris Bonjean
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